Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Real Life Plants Vs Zombies!

Today we staged a wild game of Plants Vs Zombies in Katoomba Library - check it out! 

First we chose what team we wanted to be on, Plants or Zombies. Then, the kids made a mask reflecting the character they wanted to be. 

I placed fluorescent-coloured rocks and sticks on the ground to mark out the boundaries of our game, and put on PvZ music to set the scene. 

Soft green foam balls were the 'peas', which peashooters threw at the approaching zombies. 


  1. Hi Naomi!
    I'm really interested in how you did the game plant vs. zombies in real Life. Is there any instructions :-) It looks like a fun thing to do with the kids. Interested in trying it out in my own library!

    Feel free to email me at karin1.nilsson(at)norrkoping.se


  2. Hi Karin, thanks for your message! I'll send you an email soon :)
