Wednesday, February 22, 2017


After discussing how tessellations work, today at Springwood Art Class we used some of the outlines here to create our own tessellated artworks with turtle, bird and lizard shapes. Nice work!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Drawing Foxes

Using simple shapes, we followed the method of drawing a fox outlined here by Kathy Barbro. It's a great starting point, and older kids can add more detail such as fur. We used oil pastel on white paper (after outlining the image first in lead pencil). Everyone had a different take on the colours to use for their fox (everything from gold to fluoro orange) and background for the image - so you can see how wonderfully varied the results are:

and a here's texta-drawn submission I received the following week:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Paul Klee Watercolour Paintings

Paul Klee, Castle in the Sun

Today the class created watercolour cityscapes in the style of Paul Klee. We focused on drawing geometric shapes, putting them together to build fantastical city buildings. Then we added colour with watercolour pencils. 






And here's a bonus: a beautiful rainbow and dino!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mask Class

It was our first day back at Springwood Art Class today, and we kicked off the term with a fun mask making activity. 
Each design is so unique - I love the colour combination and patterns everyone came up with!