Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Glitter Art - with special guest Liam Benson!

We had a special guest speaker this week at Blaxland - artist Liam Benson. He gave a great talk about how and why he uses glitter in his photography artworks, and even brought in some of his glitter art pieces to show to the class.

Check out the wonderful glitter art made during this class:

Above: A glittering rainbow fairy cave, being guarded by enchanted creatures.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Submit Your Art to the Blog!

If you would like to show your art on the blog, email a picture of it, along with your name, age and the artwork title to:

Artwork 1 (top) - ‘Silly World’ by Arid McCusker-Monk. The silliness comes from the fact that this world has an igloo, but it also tropical, with palm trees and a very hot sun!
Artwork 2 - ‘Scary Harbour Bridge’ by Arid McCusker-Monk. With huge spiders making webs, and people shouting “Help!”, this would be a bad day to go on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Artwork 3 - ‘Garden’ by Arid McCusker-Monk. A beautiful twisty, curly garden.

Above: ‘Fantastic Zoo’ by Joni Gersbach. What a wonderful drawing! Look for all the fantastic animals in this work: can you see spiders, a snake, fish? What else can you spot?

Thank you for submitting your wonderful drawings Arid and Joni! Love your style!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Creative Collage!

Springwood art class goes wild with magazine collage! All we needed were tons of magazines and junk mail, glue-sticks and scissors. Have a look at their fantastically creative and funny work:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


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Today’s class was a winner. The works all looked awesome. Based on 8-bit / pixel images (think Mario Bros., Nyan Cat etc), the class used graph paper, and crayons to create their own self-portraits, characters, vehicles and more!

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